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Harvey’s Mule Colt


Harvey’s Mule Colt.jpg

Life is full of surprises and they come when you least expect them. Living above our gallery on the main street of a small village in an agricultural community is great. My studio is upstairs and I spend most of my day there writing and painting. My dear husband Dave works on his computer and watches the showroom/gallery for me. When we get visitors or serious browsers he calls me on our intercom to come down. One afternoon I received a call to come down. I was in the midst of a creative project and loath to leave it but Dave convinced me that I would be very surprised by this visitor. Sure enough, I was. Harvey Graff had pulled up his truck and long horse trailer in front of the gallery and he opened the tail gate. He had something special to show me. There he was . . . .. Harvey’s new mule colt. The nervous mother was in the back of the trailer so I didn’t get too close, just close enough for a good look and a few photos. What a cutey, with his fuzzy coat, mane and tail and those great big mule ears. Harvey was beaming like a proud new father.

Thanks for sharing this special moment with us Harvey.

- Jenny

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